Home / Case Studies / Hydromo Designs & Engineers ETP use DAF and RO Together for the first time to treatTextile Effluent

Hydromo Designs & Engineers ETP use DAF and RO Together for the first time to treatTextile Effluent

One of the world’s leading textile manufacturers based in Southern India resorted to Hydromo’s Zero Liquid Discharge solution for recycling their textile effluent.

Challenges faced in treating Effluent from Textile Sector

Industrial effluents are usually the toughest to treat and recycle as the textile industry is highly polluting.
The principal challenge is that the effluents from this segment are highly contaminated and toxic to the environment, containing high concentrations of non-biodegradable compounds that hitch up BOD and COD of the water bodies. The effluent also contains toxic metals like Chromium, Sulphates, Chlorides, and oil &gasses;, amongst others.

How did Hydromo Treat the Textile Effluent?

– Hydromo used as many as SIX latest technologies including ZLD, RO, and DAF to treat the highly polluted textile effluents
– Effluent was treated using DAF as pre-treatment
– Biological Aeration using bacteria was used for reduction of colour, BOD & COD
– Reverse Osmosis (Nano-filtration & Ultra-Filtration) for reducing the solids load
– Zero Liquid Discharge (Capacities: 1 MLD to 4 MLD) for making the treated water compliant with PCB standards

Maintenance and Support

  • 24*7 Client support: Continuous, uninterrupted maintenance support to ensure Zero downtime for the facility
  • Preventive maintenance to cover longevity of Components, trouble-free operations, and Zero downtime

Highlights of the Project

The ETP designed and customized by the Hydromo team had the following markers-

– This was the First time in India when both DAF & RO technologies were used together in the Textile industry
– 6 technologies were used seamlessly together to treat effluent
– The effluent was made compliant with PCB standards in as low as 8 months.

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